How Long Does It Take to Walk a Mile?

Many commuters are now ditching their go-to method of transport and choosing to walk to work instead. It’s no secret that a brisk walk has undeniable health benefits, especially if it is repeated daily. If the distance is right, a walk can provide an individual with the recommended amount of exercise required for any particular day.

The only downside to this switch is the time it takes to complete a trip. Without stating the obvious – a car journey, bus ride, train commute or bike ride will usually get an individual from A to B a lot quicker than walking. It’s therefore important for an individual to calculate how long a journey will take by foot.

If you’re based in London or consider yourself fairly tech savvy, then you will probably already be aware that there are apps out there that already calculate this for you – Google Maps or Citymapper to name a few. If you don’t have this luxury, then it’s good to break down the trip by the number miles you will cover. Once you know this figure, you will need to understand how long it will take to walk a mile by calculating how fast you walk.

If commuting isn’t the reason why you have landed here, then this article can still benefit you. You may have recently signed up for your first sponsored walk or you may just want to beat your previous walking time. It’s still good to know how long it will take you to walk a mile at different walking paces.

How Long Does It Take To Walk A Mile?

Over the years, various studies have taken place that have measured the walking speed of males and females at different ages. The results conclude that the average time it will take to walk a mile at a moderate pace is 15-20 minutes.

If 15-20 minutes is too slow for you, then you might want to consider increasing your speed. Did you know that by opening your stride and upping your steps per minute, you can take a healthy 3-4 minutes off your final mile pace? A considerably fast mile is considered to be between the 11-13 minutes. This will definitely reduce the time of any journey to work.

If you find that your time exceeds the average of 20 minutes, then don’t worry. We encourage you to enjoy your walk however long it takes you. If anything, you should be patting yourself on the back for engaging in exercise rather than catching the bus or sitting on the couch.

Factors That May Affect Your Walking Time

We have to remind you that the numbers quoted above are strictly averages taken from a number of different studies over many many years. What these studies may not consider, is how external factors may affect your walking speed. Here are a few factors that a walker should take into account when timing a mile:

  • Weather – The UK isn’t particularly blessed with a tropical climate. From time to time, we do encounter extreme weather fronts which turn our pavements into skating rinks and roads into wind tunnels. These conditions will slow down your walking speed as extra precautions need to be taken along the way. This will add some precious minutes to your overall time.

  • Terrain – Whether your route requires walking up a hill or strolling along a straight road, terrain can impact walking speed massively. The capital city centre is mostly flat, its Greater London where the hilly challenges lie. If your journey is located amongst these areas, it may add a considerable amount of time to your walk. If this puts you off slightly, just remember that your walk back will be extremely speedy!

  • Traffic – No, we’re not talking about traffic on the road. We’re referring to the traffic on the pavements. These days city commuters not only have to manoeuvre around walkers, there are bikes, scooters and skateboards to look out for as well. The more people that get in your way will most likely result in getting to your destination slower. If your route passes through busy streets, it will be difficult to maintain a steady pace.

  • Gear – Are you wearing suitable gear for your walk? Incorrect footwear, baggy clothing and poorly packed luggage will only slow down your overall mile speed. Invest in some top quality walking gear that will allow you to really fulfil your walking speed potential.